Kemal Dervis is one of the most well-known economists in Turkey even though he has spent most of his life out of the country because of his education from bachelor to his Ph d. and his job in World Bank and United Nations Development Program.
Several years ago he attended to a British talk show "Hard Talk" to talk about Turkey's European Union participation process, and he addressed all of the main problems and the efforts clearly. I was in high school when I watched that program on BBC, and it was really interesting for me because a Turkish guy speaking perfect English with a great accent and knowledge was trying to make people look at the situation from different angles.
I have just found the video and I would like to share it with you all, especially with those who are interested in European Union and Turkey.
If you click this link, you will reach the webside, and then please click the video link and open it!!!
I hope that you would enjoy it.