In the place where we have played the game, there were around 150 students ready to get into a harsh competition. There were 2 different worlds divided from each other and many countries, organizations. Every team started the game with a limited amount of money and they had duties to be done. My teammates and my country was Japan which was counted as a developed country, so we had a higher amount of money in comparison to the other countries. However, we had much more responsibilities, and duties to get accomplish because of our society's higher level needs, such as, technology, environment, human rights, or health. In order to do so, we had to bargain with other countries and most importantly with the organizations which had got these needs in their hands.
I think bargaining part of the game was so fun, but we had to rush all the time to divide our sources and figure out the goals to cover our society's needs. There were 3 10 min-long games, and each one was counted 10 years in the game time. We got a chance and improved our level and made it advanced which meant for us the end of the game because it was the highest level, but responsibilities were still on and we helped other countries as much as we could.
I know that it is a little bit complicated for those who have never played this game before, but I can say that it was one of the best things I had ever experienced. Communication with people all the time, and trying to take care of your country by supporting other countries was such a harsh task to do, but as soon as I started playing, I forgot the real world, and focused on the artificial world which was a copy of our world.
I strongly recommend this game to everybody because it is such a great opportunity to show your leadership skills, and create practical solutions to the current problems. At the end of the game, even though our country had a advanced level of total wealth, the world got into a disaster because nobody had enough care to each other, and we all got responsible with the disaster. Therefore, we realized that the important thing was not only to make your country stronger, but also, to support and improve other less developed countries too.
I hope that you can get a chance and check this link.
O.S. Global Earth Simulation